Saturday, August 21, 2010

The 5 Stages of Gaining Weight

Stages of gaining weight:

1-DENIAL "I didn't gain weight am just bloated" or " it's my colon its crazy these days" or if you're a girl "yeah am just getting my period thats all"

2-ANGER " i'm not fat!!!! How dare you!! Am just curvy," "that skinny BITCH!"

3-BARGAINING "ill do anything too look like him/her" or " if I only could give him few pounds!"

4-DEPRESSION "ahhh i'mI so depressed I don't feel like seeing anyone," "all my clothes shrunk! I cant go out!"

5-ACCEPTANCE "ok people i'm fat stop bugging me about it!!!#$!**"

Either you think" ok enough is enough I want to do something about it and lose weight" and you start monitoring your diet or exercise or maybe god forbid BOTH!
Or u might think that but never have the will to act on it.

OR you simply think hey life is too short i want to enjoy my food and i have to accept my fat body and embrace it… its easier to gain than to lose… or life is too short ill take the easy way out i want to do some surgery...

Been through the five stages I accept the fact that am fat but I cant accept when someone says it, I get all the 4 first stages all together, and when anger get mixed with depression and bargaining on a false hope that somehow magically u could transfer fat to skinny people you'll end up in an endless loop that never takes you to the last stage where you take an action!

"Why punish my body with exercise for something my mouth did" whoever said that I totally feel u...

Friday, August 6, 2010

are you A homeless?!!

Before reading this, please bear in mind that english is not my mother language and thats my excuse for my so and so grammar another thing, I believe that god blessed us with food and some unfortunate people don't have it, the least I could do is show gratitude and not throw it..
Once upon a time =p i was having lunch with a friend of mine... we finished eating and asked the waiter to wrap whats left to take it with us, whiles we're walking and talking we passed by a man who was sitting on the floor selling some magazine i guess, he looked messy and dirty, the bag of food was with me so i asked the guy: excuse me mr are u A homeless? and regardless to my rudeness he replied yes, i gave him the food and was thinking to my self how dare me talking to a person this way! who asks a person are u a homeless?! except for me of course! but seriously who does that! it's not enough i asked him if he's homeless, i asked him are u A homeless, like i categorize things and i added homeless people to one of those THINGS
i did go back to apologize to the guy of course
Sometimes people can be rude, this time I was one of those people!