Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Michelangelo Buonarroti

 "In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it."  Michelangelo

Michelangelo was one of few amazing renaissance artists, his childhood contributed a lot in shaping and refining his skills.

Early Life 

The loss of his mother at the age of 6 marked him for his entire life, few years later in the San Marco garden Lorenzo de' Medici "the magnificent" noticed how talented Michelangelo was and asked his father to let him live at his house, there Michelangelo had a continuous access with "the magnificent" collection of valuable items such as rare gems, priceless pieces, jewelery, and medals. He also had the privilege to hear and read the literature of Poliziano himself "the tutor of Lorenzo's sons. 
Poliziano: "As everyone knows, a man whose man learning and brilliance is fully revealed in his writings"  

Interesting facts about Michelangelo's work

It is believed that Michelangelo was religious asexual, it is said that Michelangelo never saw a women naked, which explains why he draws muscular women in all his paintings, and it influenced many other painters at his time to draw women with mens body... they thought its part of modernized art thats why you'd see many painters paintings at his time have masculine women. 
"The last judgment day" on the Sistine chapel wall he showed great talent but Biagio da Cesena went to the pope criticizing Michelangelo's painting saying it was a disgrace to have nude figures in such sacred place and that they're more suited to public baths, Michelangelo directed his anger into his painting and portrayed Biogia as "Minos" with donkey ears and he covered his genitals as he requested by drawing a snake coiled around his body and biting off his genitals, he didn't stop there, he also intentionally gave him man boobs.

The statue of David was his master piece, its human anatomy craved on stones!
David is the ideal man of all time, its like stone came to life, you can see the veins, the stretched tendons through the neck.
David shows Michelangelo's talent that mimicked divine creation

"The vista of the masterpiece seemed a miracle as if the dead had been resurrected."
"In it may be seen most beautiful contours of legs, with attachments of limbs and slender outlines of flanks that are divine; nor has there ever been seen a pose so easy, or any grace to equal that in this work, or feet, hands and head so well in accord, one member with another, in harmony, design, and excellence of artistry. And, of a truth, whoever has seen this work need not trouble to see any other work executed in sculpture, either in our own or in other times, by no matter what craftsman." (Vasari 1568)

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